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CBT Invention For EatinG DIOSRDER

1. What is Eating Disorder?

Eating disorder is a psychological problem with abnormal attitudes and behaviors about eating. There are three main categories of eating disorder​:

  • Anorexia nervosa: People with anorexia aim to maintain the lowest possible weight by undereating, overexercising, or a combination of the two. They begin to hunger, which might make them very unwell.

  • Bulimia nervosa:People with bulimia may covertly binge and purge, seeking to burn off the additional calories in an undesirable way. Binging is defined as consuming excessive amounts of food without self-control.

  • Binge eating disorder:Binge eating may involve "special" binge foods and is frequently planned in advance and typically done alone. Following a binge, you could experience remorse or humiliation.

Eating disorders can affect both physical and mental health. Poor eating habits, repeated overeating, and vomiting can lead to long-term malnutrition. People with eating disorders are also extremely sensitive to the calories in food and have extreme feelings of guilt and anxiety before or after eating.

2. What is CBT Intervention for Eating Disorder?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the best intervention for eating disorders. Cognitive-behavioural therapy will regulate people's behaviour and thoughts at the same time and has a relatively fixed structure and content.

Phase I

  • Create "formulas" to find the factors causing eating problems.

  • Record your feelings and adjust your habits.

  • Learn the science behind nutrition, body image, and weight.

  • Develop the ability to resist impulses about eating.

Phase II

  • Deal with anxiety about body shape and weight.

  • Understand the unsustainability of dieting.

  • Other long-term risk factors for eating disorders include: perfectionism, extreme thoughts, shame, low self-esteem, etc.

Phase III

  • Minimize your risk of relapse and live your own life.

3. The Processs of CBT Intervention and Prices

(Highly recommended!!!)

20 Minutes, Free


CBT Intervention 

Single ​CBT Intervention Session

50 Minutes/session

£70 Online/Face-Face Session

*Booking online counslutant required at least 24 hours in advance

*Booking offline counslutant required at least 24 hours in advance



10% OFF

6 CBT Invention Sessions Package

50 Minutes/Session

£399 Online/Face-Face Session

*Booking online counslutant required at least 24 hours in advance

*Booking offline counslutant required at least 24 hours in advance





10% Off

​12 CBT Intervention ​Sessions Package

50 Minutes/session

£770 Online/Face-Face

*Booking online counslutant required at least 24 hours in advance

*Booking offline counslutant required at least 24 hours in advance



10% OFF

Students with iPad

Discounts for low-income groups and NHS employees 

 Up to 10% OFF 

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